Sunday, September 13, 2015

2: of twitter and microsoft office

As a student, I have been incredibly dependent on Microsoft Word – once, when I got a new computer, I didn’t have Microsoft Office on it yet, and I was pretty much at a loss on how to do my assignments.  Every paper, story, and assignment I’ve written has been on Microsoft Word.  I’m even writing this post in a Word document before uploading it.  Similarly, many of my teachers use Word as ways for us to receive documents from them – like syllabi, assignments, and more.

I’m honestly not too familiar on copyright – I know that there are serious repercussions, but even I can admit to illegally using an image from Google before.  I took a class last year on information ethics, so I know a little bit about it, but overall I’m kind of at a loss.  I hope we learn more about it in this class!

Using Twitter in class definitely wasn’t new to me.  I’ve been on the social media site for years, and I’ve definitely been a pretty avid Tweeter since I first got my account.  However, it definitely has some useful skills – it’s a quick way to get news, and makes you get your thoughts across in short, concise messages, since there’s a character limit.

Overall, I’ve really enjoyed what we have learned in this class so far, and I can’t wait to continue developing skills and becoming slightly less inept when it comes to technology.



  1. Don't worry! I'm not too familiar with copyright either, I definitely hope we get a chance to learn more about it.

  2. I feel like I used to ALWAYS use images from Google and Yahoo without even thinking about it. Its weird to think that you can get in major trouble from just copying and pasting something. I agree, I hope we learn more about this subject in class.

    1. Oh, absolutely. I just type something into the search bar and immediately use the image that I think is most relevant. I forget to change the settings to make sure it's actually something that I'm legally using.

  3. I can relate a lot to your blog post! Social media and word processing programs have become a part of who we are as a society. Each of us probably use a social media site or a program like Microsoft Office every single day.

  4. I can relate a lot to your blog post! Social media and word processing programs have become a part of who we are as a society. Each of us probably use a social media site or a program like Microsoft Office every single day.

    1. Right?? It's kind of crazy to think about it, but I really can't think of a day (especially since coming back to school after summer) that I haven't opened a Word document or used some form of social media.

  5. I can relate so much to relying heavily on Microsoft Word. I'm so glad our FSU computers always have Office on it.

  6. I'm interested in what you learned in your information ethics class. What did you all discuss?
